Health Net
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
Unihealth Foundation
Los Angeles World Airports - Strategic
Los Angeles World Airports
- Residential Acquisition Division
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Health Net California
Project: Salud business plan
development and implementation
Grace Consulting Services:
Strategy, Project Management
The challenge:
When commercial membership began weakening, Health Net turned
its growth aspirations to the underinsured and uninsured Latino
marketplace. In order to persuade executive management to
put up the necessary investment to relaunch its Salud product,
the Salud division needed a business plan to show the significant
returns in store and a clearly articulated vision to align
the organization across multiple functions. A singular commitment
was critical to ensure its success.
The solution:
Grace Consulting immediately crafted and communicated a vision
that was clear, setting the foundation for the divisions
efforts to rebuild its Latino programs. Operating under a
compressed timeframe, Grace created a structured team approach
to leverage internal people and assets and to rapidly compile
a business plan showing significant returns within a 3-5 year
period. The result: executive management approved the investment
necessary to implement the division chiefs vision and
plan. While planning is important, the real value materializes
when the concept is transformed into reality. Upon the executive
leadership teams approval, Grace shifted into high gear
to help implement the multi-disciplinary initiatives to reposition
Salud as the premier health plan for Latinos.(Top)
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Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
Project: Medicare-Medicaid
Dual Eligibles Outreach and Enrollment
Grace Consulting Services:
Strategy, Direct Marketing, Vendor Management, Government
The challenge:
Eligible Kaiser members were not taking full advantage of
Medicare and Medicaid benefits, reducing benefits to the members
and reimbursements to Kaiser, and preventing the Medicare
administration from meeting the goals in a presidential executive
The solution:
Through careful strategic planning and implementation, Kaiser
was able to recover $20+ million annually while assisting
thousands of low income seniors and disabled members in receiving
the financial assistance to which they were entitled. At the
time, Katrina Ling, founder of Grace Consulting, held a senior
executive position with Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. As
executive in charge of this project, Katrina spearheaded an
effort to persuade Medicare and Medicaid officials at the
federal, state and county levels that a private institution
could partner with government agencies and help them reach
their outreach goals for this high-need population outlined
in a presidential executive order.
Their hard-sought approval set a precedent which other health
plans are now following. Katrina then identified, recruited,
wrote and negotiated contracts for three national firms
all of which had call centers and specialized in helping people
enroll in Medicaid. She also created all the communication
materials, including letters and call scripts, and monitored
vendor performance to optimize results. Through this program,
Kaiser was able to contact 600,000 members nationwide via
direct mail and screen them for eligibility when they responded
by telephone. Kaiser surpassed its reimbursement goals on
behalf of thousands of higher-need, higher-utilization members.
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UniHealth Foundation
Project: One-e-App in Los
Angeles County
Grace Consulting Services: Strategy,
Program Management, Communications
The challenge:
Many of the children and families eligible for Los Angeles
County public health insurance such as Medi-Cal, Healthy Kids
and Healthy Families often chose to go without needed health
care rather than wade through the extensive paperwork and
red tape of applying for benefits from multiple agencies.
This not only puts a strain on county clinics and hospitals,
but increases the cost and complication of patient care by
having to intervene at a later, often more serious stage of
To alleviate the problem, UniHealth Foundation provided the
funding for the county to begin exploring One-e-App, a Web-based
system already proven effective in Northern California that
enables case workers to collect applicant information once
and distribute it to every pertinent agency. In moving ahead
with this plan, the county faced the challenge of aligning
the interests of numerous unrelated stakeholder groups with
divergent views and competing agendas.
The solution:
Grace Consulting laid the groundwork for implementing One-e-App
and completed the project on-time and under budget. In addition
to overseeing Deloitte Consulting, tasked with defining the
technical and business requirements of the system, Grace prepared
an implementation plan, budget, return on investment estimate,
and numerous communications programs to keep all stakeholders
informed, from foundations to public officials to community
clinics. Additionally, Grace served as independent program
manager to keep vendors accountable and as advisor to foundations
on how to make the best use of their funds and existing human
resources. (Top)
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Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)
Project: Post 9/11 EIATF Strategic
Grace Consulting Services:
Strategy; facilitating competing agendas
The challenge:
The terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 sent passenger traffic and
airport revenues into a nose dive. Los Angeles World Airports,
responsible for running Southern Californias four major
airports, created the Economic Impact Assessment Task Force
(EIATF) to address the challenge. However, due to the number
and range of stakeholders represented on the EIATF, from airlines,
airport vendors and concessionaires to labor unions and area
businesses each with its own agenda a unified
vision and approach were not forthcoming.
The solution:
Nine months after EIATF commenced without reaching their desired
results, they turned to Grace Consulting. Within two meetings,
Grace dissolved the gridlock by clarifying the competing agendas
and helping to create a plan for moving forward. Through individual
interviews with committee members, and facilitating two group
workshops, Grace established the task forces overall
mission, aligned accomplishments to-date with this mission,
separated goals into short- and long-term, and helped prepare
a presentation to the Board of Airport of Commissioners. Grace
also created a comprehensive report of the findings and recommendations
and helped transition the EIATF into separate ongoing meetings
to keep dialog between stakeholders open and healthy.
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Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Residential Acquisition
Project: Residential Acquisition
Division Strategic Plan
Grace Consulting Services:
Strategy, Process Improvement
The challenge:
LAWA created a master plan for Los Angeles International Airport
(LAX) that called for acquiring all residential properties
in two adjacent neighborhoods near the airport within three
years, including approximately 2,500 single-family homes and
multi-dwelling units. Since selling a residence to LAWA was
voluntary, the process was slow at about 100 per year.
At this pace, LAWA would never meet its goals on time. Additionally,
the delay left many homes within still occupied neighborhoods
empty, inviting criminal activity. |
The solution:
Grace Consulting created a market-driven strategic plan designed
to more quickly relieve LAWA of its role as a real estate
manager as well as change LAWAs approach from reactive
to proactive. This plan included developing process maps for
all acquisition and relocation activities as well as ways
to streamline and accelerate the process. Grace also helped
to create a communications plan to encourage residents to
sell their homes; devised a budget to ensure LAWA didnt
run out of public money; identified lost revenues; and conceived
ways to recover back rent. The plan eliminated operation redundancies
and showed how to increase efficiency and productivity tenfold.